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class InvertedTriangular(MomentumScheduler):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer,
 |     cool_down: int,
 |     warm_up: int,
 |     ratio: int = 10,
 |     last_epoch: int = -1
 | ) -> None

Adjust momentum during training according to an inverted triangle-like schedule.

The momentum starts off high, then decreases linearly for cool_down epochs, until reaching 1 / ratio th of the original value. Then the momentum increases linearly for warm_up epochs until reaching its original value again. If there are still more epochs left over to train, the momentum will stay flat at the original value.

Registered as a MomentumScheduler with name "inverted_triangular". The "optimizer" argument does not get an entry in a configuration file for the object.


class InvertedTriangular(MomentumScheduler):
 | ...
 | def get_values(self)