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class CharacterTokenizer(Tokenizer):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     byte_encoding: str = None,
 |     lowercase_characters: bool = False,
 |     start_tokens: List[Union[str, int]] = None,
 |     end_tokens: List[Union[str, int]] = None
 | ) -> None

A CharacterTokenizer splits strings into character tokens.

Registered as a Tokenizer with name "character".


  • byte_encoding : str, optional (default = None)
    If not None, we will use this encoding to encode the string as bytes, and use the byte sequence as characters, instead of the unicode characters in the python string. E.g., the character 'á' would be a single token if this option is None, but it would be two tokens if this option is set to "utf-8".

    If this is not None, tokenize will return a List[int] instead of a List[str], and we will bypass the vocabulary in the TokenIndexer.

  • lowercase_characters : bool, optional (default = False)
    If True, we will lowercase all of the characters in the text before doing any other operation. You probably do not want to do this, as character vocabularies are generally not very large to begin with, but it's an option if you really want it.

  • start_tokens : List[str], optional
    If given, these tokens will be added to the beginning of every string we tokenize. If using byte encoding, this should actually be a List[int], not a List[str].

  • end_tokens : List[str], optional
    If given, these tokens will be added to the end of every string we tokenize. If using byte encoding, this should actually be a List[int], not a List[str].


class CharacterTokenizer(Tokenizer):
 | ...
 | def tokenize(self, text: str) -> List[Token]