
The find-lr subcommand can be used to find a good learning rate for a model. It requires a configuration file and a directory in which to write the results.

$ allennlp find-lr --help
 usage: allennlp find-lr [-h] -s SERIALIZATION_DIR [-o OVERRIDES]
                         [--start-lr START_LR] [--end-lr END_LR]
                         [--num-batches NUM_BATCHES]
                         [--stopping-factor STOPPING_FACTOR] [--linear] [-f]
                         [--include-package INCLUDE_PACKAGE]

 Find a learning rate range where loss decreases quickly for the specified
 model and dataset.

 positional arguments:
   param_path            path to parameter file describing the model to be

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                         The directory in which to save results.
   -o OVERRIDES, --overrides OVERRIDES
                         a JSON structure used to override the experiment
   --start-lr START_LR   learning rate to start the search (default = 1e-05)
   --end-lr END_LR       learning rate up to which search is done (default =
   --num-batches NUM_BATCHES
                         number of mini-batches to run learning rate finder
                         (default = 100)
   --stopping-factor STOPPING_FACTOR
                         stop the search when the current loss exceeds the best
                         loss recorded by multiple of stopping factor
   --linear              increase learning rate linearly instead of exponential
   -f, --force           overwrite the output directory if it exists
   --include-package INCLUDE_PACKAGE
                         additional packages to include