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class LanguageModel(Model):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     vocab: Vocabulary,
 |     text_field_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder,
 |     contextualizer: Seq2SeqEncoder,
 |     dropout: float = None,
 |     num_samples: int = None,
 |     sparse_embeddings: bool = False,
 |     bidirectional: bool = False,
 |     initializer: InitializerApplicator = None,
 |     **kwargs
 | ) -> None

The LanguageModel applies a "contextualizing" Seq2SeqEncoder to uncontextualized embeddings, using a SoftmaxLoss module (defined above) to compute the language modeling loss.

If bidirectional is True, the language model is trained to predict the next and previous tokens for each token in the input. In this case, the contextualizer must be bidirectional. If bidirectional is False, the language model is trained to only predict the next token for each token in the input; the contextualizer should also be unidirectional.

If your language model is bidirectional, it is IMPORTANT that your bidirectional Seq2SeqEncoder contextualizer does not do any "peeking ahead". That is, for its forward direction it should only consider embeddings at previous timesteps, and for its backward direction only embeddings at subsequent timesteps. Similarly, if your language model is unidirectional, the unidirectional contextualizer should only consider embeddings at previous timesteps. If this condition is not met, your language model is cheating.


  • vocab : Vocabulary
  • text_field_embedder : TextFieldEmbedder
    Used to embed the indexed tokens we get in forward.
  • contextualizer : Seq2SeqEncoder
    Used to "contextualize" the embeddings. As described above, this encoder must not cheat by peeking ahead.
  • dropout : float, optional (default = None)
    If specified, dropout is applied to the contextualized embeddings before computation of the softmax. The contextualized embeddings themselves are returned without dropout.
  • num_samples : int, optional (default = None)
    If provided, the model will use SampledSoftmaxLoss with the specified number of samples. Otherwise, it will use the full _SoftmaxLoss defined above.
  • sparse_embeddings : bool, optional (default = False)
    Passed on to SampledSoftmaxLoss if True.
  • bidirectional : bool, optional (default = False)
    Train a bidirectional language model, where the contextualizer is used to predict the next and previous token for each input token. This must match the bidirectionality of the contextualizer.


class LanguageModel(Model):
 | ...
 | def delete_softmax(self) -> None

Remove the softmax weights. Useful for saving memory when calculating the loss is not necessary, e.g. in an embedder.


class LanguageModel(Model):
 | ...
 | def num_layers(self) -> int

Returns the depth of this LM. That is, how many layers the contextualizer has plus one for the non-contextual layer.


class LanguageModel(Model):
 | ...
 | def forward(self, source: TextFieldTensors) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]

Computes the averaged forward (and backward, if language model is bidirectional) LM loss from the batch.


  • source : TextFieldTensors
    The output of Batch.as_tensor_dict() for a batch of sentences. By convention, it's required to have at least a "tokens" entry that's the output of a SingleIdTokenIndexer, which is used to compute the language model targets.


  • Dict with keys:

  • 'loss' : torch.Tensor
    forward negative log likelihood, or the average of forward/backward if language model is bidirectional

  • 'forward\_loss' : torch.Tensor
    forward direction negative log likelihood
  • 'backward\_loss' : torch.Tensor or None
    backward direction negative log likelihood. If language model is not bidirectional, this is None.
  • 'lm\_embeddings' : Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]
    (batch_size, timesteps, embed_dim) tensor of top layer contextual representations or list of all layers. No dropout applied.
  • 'noncontextual\_token\_embeddings' : torch.Tensor
    (batch_size, timesteps, token_embed_dim) tensor of bottom layer noncontextual representations
  • 'mask' : torch.BoolTensor
    (batch_size, timesteps) mask for the embeddings


class LanguageModel(Model):
 | ...
 | def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False)