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class Elmo(torch.nn.Module,  FromParams):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     options_file: str,
 |     weight_file: str,
 |     num_output_representations: int,
 |     requires_grad: bool = False,
 |     do_layer_norm: bool = False,
 |     dropout: float = 0.5,
 |     vocab_to_cache: List[str] = None,
 |     keep_sentence_boundaries: bool = False,
 |     scalar_mix_parameters: List[float] = None,
 |     module: torch.nn.Module = None
 | ) -> None

Compute ELMo representations using a pre-trained bidirectional language model.

See "Deep contextualized word representations", Peters et al. for details.

This module takes character id input and computes num_output_representations different layers of ELMo representations. Typically num_output_representations is 1 or 2. For example, in the case of the SRL model in the above paper, num_output_representations=1 where ELMo was included at the input token representation layer. In the case of the SQuAD model, num_output_representations=2 as ELMo was also included at the GRU output layer.

In the implementation below, we learn separate scalar weights for each output layer, but only run the biLM once on each input sequence for efficiency.


  • options_file : str
    ELMo JSON options file
  • weight_file : str
    ELMo hdf5 weight file
  • num_output_representations : int
    The number of ELMo representation to output with different linear weighted combination of the 3 layers (i.e., character-convnet output, 1st lstm output, 2nd lstm output).
  • requires_grad : bool, optional
    If True, compute gradient of ELMo parameters for fine tuning.
  • do_layer_norm : bool, optional (default = False)
    Should we apply layer normalization (passed to ScalarMix)?
  • dropout : float, optional (default = 0.5)
    The dropout to be applied to the ELMo representations.
  • vocab_to_cache : List[str], optional (default = None)
    A list of words to pre-compute and cache character convolutions for. If you use this option, Elmo expects that you pass word indices of shape (batch_size, timesteps) to forward, instead of character indices. If you use this option and pass a word which wasn't pre-cached, this will break.
  • keep_sentence_boundaries : bool, optional (default = False)
    If True, the representation of the sentence boundary tokens are not removed.
  • scalar_mix_parameters : List[float], optional (default = None)
    If not None, use these scalar mix parameters to weight the representations produced by different layers. These mixing weights are not updated during training. The mixing weights here should be the unnormalized (i.e., pre-softmax) weights. So, if you wanted to use only the 1st layer of a 2-layer ELMo, you can set this to [-9e10, 1, -9e10 ].
  • module : torch.nn.Module, optional (default = None)
    If provided, then use this module instead of the pre-trained ELMo biLM. If using this option, then pass None for both options_file and weight_file. The module must provide a public attribute num_layers with the number of internal layers and its forward method must return a dict with activations and mask keys (see _ElmoBilm for an example). Note that requires_grad is also ignored with this option.


class Elmo(torch.nn.Module,  FromParams):
 | ...
 | def get_output_dim(self)


class Elmo(torch.nn.Module,  FromParams):
 | ...
 | def forward(
 |     self,
 |     inputs: torch.Tensor,
 |     word_inputs: torch.Tensor = None
 | ) -> Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]]


  • inputs : torch.Tensor
    Shape (batch_size, timesteps, 50) of character ids representing the current batch.
  • word_inputs : torch.Tensor
    If you passed a cached vocab, you can in addition pass a tensor of shape (batch_size, timesteps), which represent word ids which have been pre-cached.


  • Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]]
    A dict with the following keys:
    • 'elmo_representations' (List[torch.Tensor]) : A num_output_representations list of ELMo representations for the input sequence. Each representation is shape (batch_size, timesteps, embedding_dim)
    • 'mask' (torch.BoolTensor) : Shape (batch_size, timesteps) long tensor with sequence mask.


def batch_to_ids(batch: List[List[str]]) -> torch.Tensor

Converts a batch of tokenized sentences to a tensor representing the sentences with encoded characters (len(batch), max sentence length, max word length).


  • batch : List[List[str]]
    A list of tokenized sentences.


A tensor of padded character ids.