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class BiasDirectionWrapper(Registrable):
 | def __init__(self)

Parent class for bias direction wrappers.


class BiasDirectionWrapper(Registrable):
 | ...
 | def __call__(self, module)


class BiasDirectionWrapper(Registrable):
 | ...
 | def train(self, mode: bool = True)


  • mode : bool, optional (default = True)
    Sets requires_grad to value of mode for bias direction.


class BiasDirectionWrapper(Registrable):
 | ...
 | def add_noise(self, t: torch.Tensor)


  • t : torch.Tensor
    Tensor to which to add small amount of Gaussian noise.


class PCABiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     seed_words_file: Union[PathLike, str],
 |     tokenizer: Tokenizer,
 |     direction_vocab: Optional[Vocabulary] = None,
 |     namespace: str = "tokens",
 |     requires_grad: bool = False,
 |     noise: float = 1e-10
 | )


  • seed_words_file : Union[PathLike, str]
    Path of file containing seed words.
  • tokenizer : Tokenizer
    Tokenizer used to tokenize seed words.
  • direction_vocab : Vocabulary, optional (default = None)
    Vocabulary of tokenizer. If None, assumes tokenizer is of type PreTrainedTokenizer and uses tokenizer's vocab attribute.
  • namespace : str, optional (default = "tokens")
    Namespace of direction_vocab to use when tokenizing. Disregarded when direction_vocab is None.
  • requires_grad : bool, optional (default = False)
    Option to enable gradient calculation for bias direction.
  • noise : float, optional (default = 1e-10)
    To avoid numerical instability if embeddings are initialized uniformly.


class PCABiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | ...
 | def __call__(self, module)

embed subword token IDs and mean pool to get embedding of original word


class PairedPCABiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     seed_word_pairs_file: Union[PathLike, str],
 |     tokenizer: Tokenizer,
 |     direction_vocab: Optional[Vocabulary] = None,
 |     namespace: str = "tokens",
 |     requires_grad: bool = False,
 |     noise: float = 1e-10
 | )


  • seed_word_pairs_file : Union[PathLike, str]
    Path of file containing seed word pairs.
  • tokenizer : Tokenizer
    Tokenizer used to tokenize seed words.
  • direction_vocab : Vocabulary, optional (default = None)
    Vocabulary of tokenizer. If None, assumes tokenizer is of type PreTrainedTokenizer and uses tokenizer's vocab attribute.
  • namespace : str, optional (default = "tokens")
    Namespace of direction_vocab to use when tokenizing. Disregarded when direction_vocab is None.
  • requires_grad : bool, optional (default = False)
    Option to enable gradient calculation for bias direction.
  • noise : float, optional (default = 1e-10)
    To avoid numerical instability if embeddings are initialized uniformly.


class PairedPCABiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | ...
 | def __call__(self, module)

embed subword token IDs and mean pool to get embedding of original word


class TwoMeansBiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     seed_word_pairs_file: Union[PathLike, str],
 |     tokenizer: Tokenizer,
 |     direction_vocab: Optional[Vocabulary] = None,
 |     namespace: str = "tokens",
 |     requires_grad: bool = False,
 |     noise: float = 1e-10
 | )


  • seed_word_pairs_file : Union[PathLike, str]
    Path of file containing seed word pairs.
  • tokenizer : Tokenizer
    Tokenizer used to tokenize seed words.
  • direction_vocab : Vocabulary, optional (default = None)
    Vocabulary of tokenizer. If None, assumes tokenizer is of type PreTrainedTokenizer and uses tokenizer's vocab attribute.
  • namespace : str, optional (default = "tokens")
    Namespace of direction_vocab to use when tokenizing. Disregarded when direction_vocab is None.
  • requires_grad : bool, optional (default = False)
    Option to enable gradient calculation for bias direction.
  • noise : float, optional (default = 1e-10)
    To avoid numerical instability if embeddings are initialized uniformly.


class TwoMeansBiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | ...
 | def __call__(self, module)

embed subword token IDs and mean pool to get embedding of original word


class ClassificationNormalBiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     seed_word_pairs_file: Union[PathLike, str],
 |     tokenizer: Tokenizer,
 |     direction_vocab: Optional[Vocabulary] = None,
 |     namespace: str = "tokens",
 |     noise: float = 1e-10
 | )


  • seed_word_pairs_file : Union[PathLike, str]
    Path of file containing seed word pairs.
  • tokenizer : Tokenizer
    Tokenizer used to tokenize seed words.
  • direction_vocab : Vocabulary, optional (default = None)
    Vocabulary of tokenizer. If None, assumes tokenizer is of type PreTrainedTokenizer and uses tokenizer's vocab attribute.
  • namespace : str, optional (default = "tokens")
    Namespace of direction_vocab to use when tokenizing. Disregarded when direction_vocab is None.
  • noise : float, optional (default = 1e-10)
    To avoid numerical instability if embeddings are initialized uniformly.


class ClassificationNormalBiasDirectionWrapper(BiasDirectionWrapper):
 | ...
 | def __call__(self, module)

embed subword token IDs and mean pool to get embedding of original word