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class InstanceInfluence(NamedTuple)


class InstanceInfluence(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | instance: Instance = None


class InstanceInfluence(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | loss: float = None


class InstanceInfluence(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | score: float = None

The influence score associated with this training instance.


class InterpretOutput(NamedTuple)

The output associated with a single test instance.


class InterpretOutput(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | test_instance: Instance = None


class InterpretOutput(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | loss: float = None

The loss corresponding to the test_instance.


class InterpretOutput(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | top_k: List[InstanceInfluence] = None

The top k most influential training instances along with their influence score.


class InstanceWithGrads(NamedTuple)

Wraps a training Instance along with its associated loss and gradients.

InfluenceInterpreter.train_instances is a list of these objects.


class InstanceWithGrads(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | instance: Instance = None


class InstanceWithGrads(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | loss: float = None


class InstanceWithGrads(NamedTuple):
 | ...
 | grads: Sequence[torch.Tensor] = None


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     model: Model,
 |     train_data_path: DatasetReaderInput,
 |     train_dataset_reader: DatasetReader,
 |     *, test_dataset_reader: Optional[DatasetReader] = None,
 |     *, train_data_loader: Lazy[DataLoader] = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader.from_dataset_reader),
 |     *, test_data_loader: Lazy[DataLoader] = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader.from_dataset_reader),
 |     *, params_to_freeze: Optional[List[str]] = None,
 |     *, cuda_device: int = -1
 | ) -> None

An InfluenceInterpreter interprets an AllenNLP models's outputs by finding the training instances that had the most influence on the prediction for each test input.

See Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions for more information.

Subclasses are required to implement the _calculate_influence_scores() method.


  • model : Model

  • train_data_path : DatasetReaderInput

  • train_dataset_reader : DatasetReader

  • test_dataset_reader : Optional[DatasetReader], optional (default = None)
    This is the dataset reader to read the test set file. If not provided, the train_dataset_reader is used.

  • train_data_loader : Lazy[DataLoader], optional (default = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader))
    The data loader used to load training instances.


    This data loader is only used to call DataLoader.iter_instances(), so certain DataLoader settings like batch_size will have no effect.

  • test_data_loader : Lazy[DataLoader], optional (default = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader))
    The data loader used to load test instances when interpret_from_file() is called.


    Like train_data_loader, this data loader is only used to call DataLoader.iter_instances(), so certain DataLoader settings like batch_size will have no effect.

  • params_to_freeze : Optional[List[str]], optional (default = None)
    An optional list of strings, each of which should be a regular expression that matches some parameter keys of the model. Any matching parameters will be have requires_grad set to False.

  • cuda_device : int, optional (default = -1)
    The index of GPU device we want to calculate scores on. If not provided, we uses -1 which correspond to using CPU.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | default_implementation = "simple-influence"


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | @property
 | def used_params(self) -> List[torch.nn.Parameter]

The parameters of the model that have non-zero gradients after a backwards pass.

This can be used to gather the corresponding gradients with respect to a loss via the torch.autograd.grad function.


Accessing this property requires calling self._gather_train_instances_and_compute_gradients() if it hasn't been called yet, which may take several minutes.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | @property
 | def used_param_names(self) -> List[str]

The names of the corresponding parameters in self.used_params.


Accessing this property requires calling self._gather_train_instances_and_compute_gradients() if it hasn't been called yet, which may take several minutes.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | @property
 | def train_instances(self) -> List[InstanceWithGrads]

The training instances along with their corresponding loss and gradients.


Accessing this property requires calling self._gather_train_instances_and_compute_gradients() if it hasn't been called yet, which may take several minutes.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | @classmethod
 | def from_path(
 |     cls,
 |     archive_path: Union[str, PathLike],
 |     *, interpreter_name: Optional[str] = None,
 |     *, train_data_path: Optional[DatasetReaderInput] = None,
 |     *, train_data_loader: Lazy[DataLoader] = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader.from_dataset_reader),
 |     *, test_data_loader: Lazy[DataLoader] = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader.from_dataset_reader),
 |     *, params_to_freeze: Optional[List[str]] = None,
 |     *, cuda_device: int = -1,
 |     *, import_plugins: bool = True,
 |     *, overrides: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]] = "",
 |     **extras,
 |     *, ,
 | ) -> "InfluenceInterpreter"

Load an InfluenceInterpreter from an archive path.


  • archive_path : Union[str, PathLike]
    The path to the archive file.
  • interpreter_name : Optional[str], optional (default = None)
    The registered name of the an interpreter class. If not specified, the default implementation (SimpleInfluence) will be used.
  • train_data_path : Optional[DatasetReaderInput], optional (default = None)
    If not specified, train_data_path will be taken from the archive's config.
  • train_data_loader : Lazy[DataLoader], optional (default = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader))
  • test_data_loader : Lazy[DataLoader], optional (default = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader))
  • params_to_freeze : Optional[List[str]], optional (default = None)
  • cuda_device : int, optional (default = -1)
  • import_plugins : bool, optional (default = True)
    If True, we attempt to import plugins before loading the InfluenceInterpreter. This comes with additional overhead, but means you don't need to explicitly import the modules that your implementation depends on as long as those modules can be found by allennlp.common.plugins.import_plugins().
  • overrides : Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], optional (default = "")
    JSON overrides to apply to the unarchived Params object.
  • **extras : Any
    Extra parameters to pass to the interpreter's __init__() method.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | @classmethod
 | def from_archive(
 |     cls,
 |     archive: Archive,
 |     *, interpreter_name: Optional[str] = None,
 |     *, train_data_path: Optional[DatasetReaderInput] = None,
 |     *, train_data_loader: Lazy[DataLoader] = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader.from_dataset_reader),
 |     *, test_data_loader: Lazy[DataLoader] = Lazy(SimpleDataLoader.from_dataset_reader),
 |     *, params_to_freeze: Optional[List[str]] = None,
 |     *, cuda_device: int = -1,
 |     **extras,
 |     *, ,
 | ) -> "InfluenceInterpreter"

Load an InfluenceInterpreter from an Archive.

The other parameters are the same as .from_path().


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | def interpret(
 |     self,
 |     test_instance: Instance,
 |     k: int = 20
 | ) -> InterpretOutput

Run the influence function scorer on the given instance, returning the top k most influential train instances with their scores.


Test instances should have targets so that a loss can be computed.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | def interpret_from_file(
 |     self,
 |     test_data_path: DatasetReaderInput,
 |     k: int = 20
 | ) -> List[InterpretOutput]

Runs interpret_instances over the instances read from test_data_path.


Test instances should have targets so that a loss can be computed.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | def interpret_instances(
 |     self,
 |     test_instances: List[Instance],
 |     k: int = 20
 | ) -> List[InterpretOutput]

Run the influence function scorer on the given instances, returning the top k most influential train instances for each test instance.


Test instances should have targets so that a loss can be computed.


class InfluenceInterpreter(Registrable):
 | ...
 | def _calculate_influence_scores(
 |     self,
 |     test_instance: Instance,
 |     test_loss: float,
 |     test_grads: Sequence[torch.Tensor]
 | ) -> List[float]

Required to be implemented by subclasses.

Calculates the influence scores of self.train_instances with respect to the given test_instance.