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class OntonotesSentence:
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     document_id: str,
 |     sentence_id: int,
 |     words: List[str],
 |     pos_tags: List[str],
 |     parse_tree: Optional[Tree],
 |     predicate_lemmas: List[Optional[str]],
 |     predicate_framenet_ids: List[Optional[str]],
 |     word_senses: List[Optional[float]],
 |     speakers: List[Optional[str]],
 |     named_entities: List[str],
 |     srl_frames: List[Tuple[str, List[str]]],
 |     coref_spans: Set[TypedSpan]
 | ) -> None

A class representing the annotations available for a single CONLL formatted sentence.


  • document_id : str
    This is a variation on the document filename
  • sentence_id : int
    The integer ID of the sentence within a document.
  • words : List[str]
    This is the tokens as segmented/tokenized in the Treebank.
  • pos_tags : List[str]
    This is the Penn-Treebank-style part of speech. When parse information is missing, all parts of speech except the one for which there is some sense or proposition annotation are marked with a XX tag. The verb is marked with just a VERB tag.
  • parse_tree : nltk.Tree
    An nltk Tree representing the parse. It includes POS tags as pre-terminal nodes. When the parse information is missing, the parse will be None.
  • predicate_lemmas : List[Optional[str]]
    The predicate lemma of the words for which we have semantic role information or word sense information. All other indices are None.
  • predicate_framenet_ids : List[Optional[int]]
    The PropBank frameset ID of the lemmas in predicate_lemmas, or None.
  • word_senses : List[Optional[float]]
    The word senses for the words in the sentence, or None. These are floats because the word sense can have values after the decimal, like 1.1.
  • speakers : List[Optional[str]]
    The speaker information for the words in the sentence, if present, or None This is the speaker or author name where available. Mostly in Broadcast Conversation and Web Log data. When not available the rows are marked with an "-".
  • named_entities : List[str]
    The BIO tags for named entities in the sentence.
  • srl_frames : List[Tuple[str, List[str]]]
    A dictionary keyed by the verb in the sentence for the given Propbank frame labels, in a BIO format.
  • coref_spans : Set[TypedSpan]
    The spans for entity mentions involved in coreference resolution within the sentence. Each element is a tuple composed of (cluster_id, (start_index, end_index)). Indices are inclusive.


class Ontonotes

This DatasetReader is designed to read in the English OntoNotes v5.0 data in the format used by the CoNLL 2011/2012 shared tasks. In order to use this Reader, you must follow the instructions provided here (v12 release):, which will allow you to download the CoNLL style annotations for the OntoNotes v5.0 release -- LDC2013T19.tgz obtained from LDC.

Once you have run the scripts on the extracted data, you will have a folder structured as follows:

 ── data
   ├── development
       └── data
           └── english
               └── annotations
                   ├── bc
                   ├── bn
                   ├── mz
                   ├── nw
                   ├── pt
                   ├── tc
                   └── wb
   ├── test
       └── data
           └── english
               └── annotations
                   ├── bc
                   ├── bn
                   ├── mz
                   ├── nw
                   ├── pt
                   ├── tc
                   └── wb
   └── train
       └── data
           └── english
               └── annotations
                   ├── bc
                   ├── bn
                   ├── mz
                   ├── nw
                   ├── pt
                   ├── tc
                   └── wb

The file path provided to this class can then be any of the train, test or development directories(or the top level data directory, if you are not utilizing the splits).

The data has the following format, ordered by column.

  1. Document ID : str This is a variation on the document filename
  2. Part number : int Some files are divided into multiple parts numbered as 000, 001, 002, ... etc.
  3. Word number : int This is the word index of the word in that sentence.
  4. Word : str This is the token as segmented/tokenized in the Treebank. Initially the *_skel file contain the placeholder [WORD] which gets replaced by the actual token from the Treebank which is part of the OntoNotes release.
  5. POS Tag : str This is the Penn Treebank style part of speech. When parse information is missing, all part of speeches except the one for which there is some sense or proposition annotation are marked with a XX tag. The verb is marked with just a VERB tag.
  6. Parse bit : str This is the bracketed structure broken before the first open parenthesis in the parse, and the word/part-of-speech leaf replaced with a *. When the parse information is missing, the first word of a sentence is tagged as (TOP* and the last word is tagged as *) and all intermediate words are tagged with a *.
  7. Predicate lemma : str The predicate lemma is mentioned for the rows for which we have semantic role information or word sense information. All other rows are marked with a "-".
  8. Predicate Frameset ID : int The PropBank frameset ID of the predicate in Column 7.
  9. Word sense : float This is the word sense of the word in Column 3.
  10. Speaker/Author : str This is the speaker or author name where available. Mostly in Broadcast Conversation and Web Log data. When not available the rows are marked with an "-".
  11. Named Entities : str These columns identifies the spans representing various named entities. For documents which do not have named entity annotation, each line is represented with an *.
  12. Predicate Arguments : str There is one column each of predicate argument structure information for the predicate mentioned in Column 7. If there are no predicates tagged in a sentence this is a single column with all rows marked with an *. -1. Co-reference : str Co-reference chain information encoded in a parenthesis structure. For documents that do not have co-reference annotations, each line is represented with a "-".


class Ontonotes:
 | ...
 | def dataset_iterator(
 |     self,
 |     file_path: str
 | ) -> Iterator[OntonotesSentence]

An iterator over the entire dataset, yielding all sentences processed.


class Ontonotes:
 | ...
 | @staticmethod
 | def dataset_path_iterator(file_path: str) -> Iterator[str]

An iterator returning file_paths in a directory containing CONLL-formatted files.


class Ontonotes:
 | ...
 | def dataset_document_iterator(
 |     self,
 |     file_path: str
 | ) -> Iterator[List[OntonotesSentence]]

An iterator over CONLL formatted files which yields documents, regardless of the number of document annotations in a particular file. This is useful for conll data which has been preprocessed, such as the preprocessing which takes place for the 2012 CONLL Coreference Resolution task.


class Ontonotes:
 | ...
 | def sentence_iterator(
 |     self,
 |     file_path: str
 | ) -> Iterator[OntonotesSentence]

An iterator over the sentences in an individual CONLL formatted file.