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def get_best_span(
    span_start_logits: torch.Tensor,
    span_end_logits: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor

This acts the same as the static method BidirectionalAttentionFlow.get_best_span() in allennlp/models/reading_comprehension/ We keep it here so that users can directly import this function without the class.

We call the inputs "logits" - they could either be unnormalized logits or normalized log probabilities. A log_softmax operation is a constant shifting of the entire logit vector, so taking an argmax over either one gives the same result.


def replace_masked_values_with_big_negative_number(
    x: torch.Tensor,
    mask: torch.Tensor

Replace the masked values in a tensor something really negative so that they won't affect a max operation.