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class SrlBert(Model):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     vocab: Vocabulary,
 |     bert_model: Union[str, BertModel],
 |     embedding_dropout: float = 0.0,
 |     initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator(),
 |     label_smoothing: float = None,
 |     ignore_span_metric: bool = False,
 |     srl_eval_path: str = DEFAULT_SRL_EVAL_PATH,
 |     **kwargs
 | ) -> None

A BERT based model Simple BERT Models for Relation Extraction and Semantic Role Labeling (Shi et al, 2019) with some modifications (no additional parameters apart from a linear classification layer), which is currently the state-of-the-art single model for English PropBank SRL (Newswire sentences).


  • vocab : Vocabulary
    A Vocabulary, required in order to compute sizes for input/output projections.
  • model : Union[str, BertModel]
    A string describing the BERT model to load or an already constructed BertModel.
  • initializer : InitializerApplicator, optional (default = InitializerApplicator())
    Used to initialize the model parameters.
  • label_smoothing : float, optional (default = 0.0)
    Whether or not to use label smoothing on the labels when computing cross entropy loss.
  • ignore_span_metric : bool, optional (default = False)
    Whether to calculate span loss, which is irrelevant when predicting BIO for Open Information Extraction.
  • srl_eval_path : str, optional (default = DEFAULT_SRL_EVAL_PATH)
    The path to the script. By default, will use the included with allennlp, which is located at allennlp/tools/ . If None, is not used.


class SrlBert(Model):
 | ...
 | def forward(
 |     self,
 |     tokens: TextFieldTensors,
 |     verb_indicator: torch.Tensor,
 |     metadata: List[Any],
 |     tags: torch.LongTensor = None
 | )


  • tokens : TextFieldTensors
    The output of TextField.as_array(), which should typically be passed directly to a TextFieldEmbedder. For this model, this must be a SingleIdTokenIndexer which indexes wordpieces from the BERT vocabulary.
  • verb_indicator : torch.LongTensor
    An integer SequenceFeatureField representation of the position of the verb in the sentence. This should have shape (batch_size, num_tokens) and importantly, can be all zeros, in the case that the sentence has no verbal predicate.
  • tags : torch.LongTensor, optional (default = None)
    A torch tensor representing the sequence of integer gold class labels of shape (batch_size, num_tokens)
  • metadata : List[Dict[str, Any]], optional (default = None)
    metadata containing the original words in the sentence, the verb to compute the frame for, and start offsets for converting wordpieces back to a sequence of words, under 'words', 'verb' and 'offsets' keys, respectively.


  • An output dictionary consisting of:
  • logits : torch.FloatTensor
    A tensor of shape (batch_size, num_tokens, tag_vocab_size) representing unnormalised log probabilities of the tag classes.
  • class_probabilities : torch.FloatTensor
    A tensor of shape (batch_size, num_tokens, tag_vocab_size) representing a distribution of the tag classes per word.
  • loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional
    A scalar loss to be optimised.


class SrlBert(Model):
 | ...
 | @overrides
 | def make_output_human_readable(
 |     self,
 |     output_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
 | ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]

Does constrained viterbi decoding on class probabilities output in forward. The constraint simply specifies that the output tags must be a valid BIO sequence. We add a "tags" key to the dictionary with the result.

NOTE: First, we decode a BIO sequence on top of the wordpieces. This is important; viterbi decoding produces low quality output if you decode on top of word representations directly, because the model gets confused by the 'missing' positions (which is sensible as it is trained to perform tagging on wordpieces, not words).

Secondly, it's important that the indices we use to recover words from the wordpieces are the start_offsets (i.e offsets which correspond to using the first wordpiece of words which are tokenized into multiple wordpieces) as otherwise, we might get an ill-formed BIO sequence when we select out the word tags from the wordpiece tags. This happens in the case that a word is split into multiple word pieces, and then we take the last tag of the word, which might correspond to, e.g, I-V, which would not be allowed as it is not preceeded by a B tag.


class SrlBert(Model):
 | ...
 | def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False)


class SrlBert(Model):
 | ...
 | def get_viterbi_pairwise_potentials(self)

Generate a matrix of pairwise transition potentials for the BIO labels. The only constraint implemented here is that I-XXX labels must be preceded by either an identical I-XXX tag or a B-XXX tag. In order to achieve this constraint, pairs of labels which do not satisfy this constraint have a pairwise potential of -inf.


  • transition_matrix : torch.Tensor
    A (num_labels, num_labels) matrix of pairwise potentials.


class SrlBert(Model):
 | ...
 | def get_start_transitions(self)

In the BIO sequence, we cannot start the sequence with an I-XXX tag. This transition sequence is passed to viterbi_decode to specify this constraint.


  • start_transitions : torch.Tensor
    The pairwise potentials between a START token and the first token of the sequence.


class SrlBert(Model):
 | ...
 | default_predictor = "semantic_role_labeling"