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DataArray = TypeVar(
    "DataArray", torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]


class Field(Generic[DataArray])

A Field is some piece of a data instance that ends up as an tensor in a model (either as an input or an output). Data instances are just collections of fields.

Fields go through up to two steps of processing: (1) tokenized fields are converted into token ids, (2) fields containing token ids (or any other numeric data) are padded (if necessary) and converted into tensors. The Field API has methods around both of these steps, though they may not be needed for some concrete Field classes - if your field doesn't have any strings that need indexing, you don't need to implement count_vocab_items or index. These methods pass by default.

Once a vocabulary is computed and all fields are indexed, we will determine padding lengths, then intelligently batch together instances and pad them into actual tensors.


class Field(Generic[DataArray]):
 | ...
 | def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]])

If there are strings in this field that need to be converted into integers through a Vocabulary, here is where we count them, to determine which tokens are in or out of the vocabulary.

If your Field does not have any strings that need to be converted into indices, you do not need to implement this method.

A note on this counter: because Fields can represent conceptually different things, we separate the vocabulary items by namespaces. This way, we can use a single shared mechanism to handle all mappings from strings to integers in all fields, while keeping words in a TextField from sharing the same ids with labels in a LabelField (e.g., "entailment" or "contradiction" are labels in an entailment task)

Additionally, a single Field might want to use multiple namespaces - TextFields can be represented as a combination of word ids and character ids, and you don't want words and characters to share the same vocabulary - "a" as a word should get a different id from "a" as a character, and the vocabulary sizes of words and characters are very different.

Because of this, the first key in the counter object is a namespace, like "tokens", "token_characters", "tags", or "labels", and the second key is the actual vocabulary item.


class Field(Generic[DataArray]):
 | ...
 | def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary)

Given a Vocabulary, converts all strings in this field into (typically) integers. This modifies the Field object, it does not return anything.

If your Field does not have any strings that need to be converted into indices, you do not need to implement this method.


class Field(Generic[DataArray]):
 | ...
 | def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]

If there are things in this field that need padding, note them here. In order to pad a batch of instance, we get all of the lengths from the batch, take the max, and pad everything to that length (or use a pre-specified maximum length). The return value is a dictionary mapping keys to lengths, like {'num_tokens': 13}.

This is always called after index.


class Field(Generic[DataArray]):
 | ...
 | def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> DataArray

Given a set of specified padding lengths, actually pad the data in this field and return a torch Tensor (or a more complex data structure) of the correct shape. We also take a couple of parameters that are important when constructing torch Tensors.


  • padding_lengths : Dict[str, int]
    This dictionary will have the same keys that were produced in get_padding_lengths. The values specify the lengths to use when padding each relevant dimension, aggregated across all instances in a batch.


class Field(Generic[DataArray]):
 | ...
 | def empty_field(self) -> "Field"

So that ListField can pad the number of fields in a list (e.g., the number of answer option TextFields), we need a representation of an empty field of each type. This returns that. This will only ever be called when we're to the point of calling as_tensor, so you don't need to worry about get_padding_lengths, count_vocab_items, etc., being called on this empty field.

We make this an instance method instead of a static method so that if there is any state in the Field, we can copy it over (e.g., the token indexers in TextField).


class Field(Generic[DataArray]):
 | ...
 | def batch_tensors(self, tensor_list: List[DataArray]) -> DataArray

Takes the output of Field.as_tensor() from a list of Instances and merges it into one batched tensor for this Field. The default implementation here in the base class handles cases where as_tensor returns a single torch tensor per instance. If your subclass returns something other than this, you need to override this method.

This operation does not modify self, but in some cases we need the information contained in self in order to perform the batching, so this is an instance method, not a class method.


class Field(Generic[DataArray]):
 | ...
 | def duplicate(self)