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class Seq2VecEncoder(_EncoderBase,  Registrable)

A Seq2VecEncoder is a Module that takes as input a sequence of vectors and returns a single vector. Input shape : (batch_size, sequence_length, input_dim); output shape: (batch_size, output_dim).

We add two methods to the basic Module API: get_input_dim() and get_output_dim(). You might need this if you want to construct a Linear layer using the output of this encoder, or to raise sensible errors for mis-matching input dimensions.


class Seq2VecEncoder(_EncoderBase,  Registrable):
 | ...
 | def get_input_dim(self) -> int

Returns the dimension of the vector input for each element in the sequence input to a Seq2VecEncoder. This is not the shape of the input tensor, but the last element of that shape.


class Seq2VecEncoder(_EncoderBase,  Registrable):
 | ...
 | def get_output_dim(self) -> int

Returns the dimension of the final vector output by this Seq2VecEncoder. This is not the shape of the returned tensor, but the last element of that shape.