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class CosineWithRestarts(LearningRateScheduler):
 | def __init__(
 |     self,
 |     optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer,
 |     t_initial: int,
 |     t_mul: float = 1.0,
 |     eta_min: float = 0.0,
 |     eta_mul: float = 1.0,
 |     last_epoch: int = -1
 | ) -> None

Cosine annealing with restarts.

This is described in the paper Note that early stopping should typically be avoided when using this schedule.

Registered as a LearningRateScheduler with name "cosine".


  • optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer
    This argument does not get an entry in a configuration file for the object.
  • t_initial : int
    The number of iterations (epochs) within the first cycle.
  • t_mul : float, optional (default = 1)
    Determines the number of iterations (epochs) in the i-th decay cycle, which is the length of the last cycle multiplied by t_mul.
  • eta_min : float, optional (default = 0)
    The minimum learning rate.
  • eta_mul : float, optional (default = 1)
    Determines the initial learning rate for the i-th decay cycle, which is the last initial learning rate multiplied by m_mul.
  • last_epoch : int, optional (default = -1)
    The index of the last epoch. This is used when restarting.


class CosineWithRestarts(LearningRateScheduler):
 | ...
 | @overrides
 | def get_values(self)

Get updated learning rate.